A new Member joins RER Network
Jul 19, 2022Welcome the team at Lucas Real Estate to the RER Network Family.
We're excited to support Lucas Real Estate team as they re-join RER Network back in the fold.
Here's a little message from Baden…
On behalf of Dylan and I, we are thrilled to be rejoining RER Network!
After a challenging but ultimately rewarding few years outside of the network, we look forward to reconnecting (or) getting to know you.
We have started a business, sold a business, and started another one! We have continued to grow the Lucas brand, and with our core focus on the growth of Lucas, this is an excellent time for us to enjoy the support of the network.
Michael and all of you have been instrumental in contributing to the Lucas story so far, and we are looking forward to working closely with all of you.
I am looking forward to seeing you at The Business of Real Estate event!
Baden Lucas & Dylan Emmett
Baden's mobile: 0418 888 751
Email: [email protected]
Dylan's mobile: 0402 465 779
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.lucasre.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lucasre.com.au

Lucas Real Estate joins our newest RER Network Members who have joined us this year.

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