RER Connect Issue 1
Feb 07, 2022It’s been a year of highs and lows and we still have another quarter before the end of year!
So well done on getting to this point.
As the property market tightens and supposedly a slight flatten off in pricing the
next quarter should be an interesting one.
I really feel that the next quarter will be defining not only for you but also the industry.
My belief is you will need more skill, need to be hungrier for the business and be a follow up legend leaving no rock unturned.
Social Media and technology will play an important part in keeping you connected and also connecting with new clients.
The key in a tightening market is to stand out, nurture your current clients and
connect with past clients. Really get to know what your clients and potential
clients are looking for - get to know them better, uncover what they want and over service them….so much that they become a raving fan of yours.
Throughout this newsletter you will see some great articles, inspirational stories and some good reading that will help you through these challenging times.
I’m here if you need me for anything… just reach out.
Michael Sheargold
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